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The [tracks] object is designed to find the best continuity between indexed information. Usually tracking objects output data in order of appearance and need further logic to achieve continuity. Best continuity is defined as the smallest euclidean distance between two points in contiguous frames of time.

The graphic representation below is a one dimensional example:

In the graph, arrows show tracks with the best possible continuity.

A maximum distance determines if a datum will be kept in the same track. For example index 2 in t1 and index 2 in t2, have a distance of 24. if the maximum distance is 20, a new track will be created.

[tracks] will behave in the following way, for more information, see the help-file:

Time t0 t1 t2 t3 t4
input 0 50 0 20 0 19 0 17 0  65
1 80 1 47 1 40 1 68 1 78
2 84 2 60 2 75
3 100 3 98 3 95
input 0 50 0 47 0 40
(outlet 1) 1 80 1 84 1 75 1 78
2 20 2 19 2 17
3 100 3 98 3 95
4 60 4 68 4 65
(outlet 2) -1 0 1 0 1 0 -2 0
-1 1 2 1 -2 1 -1 1 1 1
-1 2 0 2 0 2 -2 2
-1 3 3 3 3 3 -2 3
-1 4 1 4 0 4

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