(2008-9) for Silent Drum | para Tambor Silencioso
Performer / Compos(er/itor): Jaime E Oliver LR
First Prize in the Electronic Sonority category at FILE PRIX LUX in Sao Paulo, Brasil Aug-2010
Note: The following piece has substantial low frequency content, therefore decent speakers or headphones will give you a better sonic image. Esta obra tiene muchas frecuencias bajas, buenos parlantes/bocinas o audífonos permitirán escucharlas.
Samples from Matt Jenkins and freesound.org. Thanks to Diego Oliver for his work on cameras and lighting.
- Hypersonica Festival, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 2010
- FILE PRIX LUX, FIESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 2010
- Thingamajigs Festival, Oakland, CA. 2009
- ICMC – International Computer Music Conference, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. 2009
- SIGGraph09 – Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques, New Orleans, LA. 2009
- Pure Data Convention, CESC, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 2009
- M+T: Music + Technology Conference, University of California, San Diego, 2009