Giussepe Verdi (1813-1901)
La Traviata (1853)
Here is a link to the translation of the Libretto.
Here is the synopsis by the MET.
The production we saw today is by Willy Decker and was originally premiered in the Salzburg Festival in 2010, with Anna Netrebko & Rolando Villazón, conducted by Carlo Rizzi and directed by Willy Decker. Nebrebko is considered to be the ideal singer for this production and role:
Here are a couple of productions you could compare this one to:
the one we saw in class by by Cavani, Liliana & Longobardo, Paola. you can find it here, or by typing “traviata verdi video electronic scala” in the Columbia University Library search. It is at la Scala in Milan (where it was originaly premiered) with Angela Gheorghiu (really good) as Violetta.
Another interesting production you could compare it to is that of Zefirelli. I have not seen the full thing myself. It is also unfair to compare a film to a theater experience: